Benefits of Deep Breathing exercises

Instant relief to calm down

NAFAS Journeys Deep Breathing

What is the first thing you usually do when you receive a phone call or an email with some major bad news? Most likely it will be that you hold your breath in shock with probably a slight gasp at the end, or you either breathe very fast with your heart pumping loud. The experience and intensity of your emotions is regulated by your thought and your breathing.

Our state controls our breath, so when we are afraid we either hold our breath or we breathe faster and feel fear. When we are calm, we breath slow and deep. It’s also a two-way street; our breath controls our state of consciousness. When we slow down and deepen the breath, we feel calmer and at ease.  We have better blood flow when we take deep breaths, and it also calms us down. So, the next time you are in any situation that allows you to feel anxious or nervous, simply start with several deep breaths.

10 Main Benefits of Deep Breathing:

1.    Improves Blood Flow

The deep breathing and movement of the diaphragm helps remove the toxins from the body promoting better blood flow. The upward and downward movement of the diaphragm also helps remove the toxins from the body. As a result of the increased blood flow, we get more oxygen into our blood.

2.    Relaxes the Mind & Body

In situations when you are angry, stressed or scared, your muscles are tightened and your breathing becomes shallow. With constricted breathing, your body does not get the amount of oxygen it requires. Long deep breathing reverses this process, allowing your body & mind to become calmer. Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, bringing us into a relaxed state.

3.    Increases Energy Levels

During deep breathing, due to increased blood flow, we get more oxygen into our blood. Increased oxygen results in increased energy levels. Breath is our life force, and we no longer survive without breathing for just a few minutes.

4.    Natural Painkiller

When you deep breathe, the body releases endorphins, which are the feel-good hormones and a natural pain killer created by the body itself.

5.    Improves the Digestive System

Breathing deeply supplies more oxygen to all our body parts including our digestive system, thus making it work more efficiently. The increased blood flow due to deep breathing also encourages intestinal action which further improves overall digestion. In addition, deep breathing results in a calmer nervous system, which in turn also enhances optimal digestion.

6.    Detoxifies the Body

Carbon dioxide is a natural toxic waste that comes out from our body only through breathing. But when our lungs are compromised by shallow breathing the other detoxification system starts working harder to expel this waste. This can make our body weaker and lead to illness.

7.    Stimulates Lymphatic System

As our breathing is what moves the lymph, shallow breathing can lead to a sluggish lymphatic system which will not detoxify properly. Deep breathing will help you get the lymph flowing properly so that your body can work more efficiently.

8.       Strengthens the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system depends on gravity, muscle movement, and the benefits of breath to keep flowing so that the body can be cleansed. Deep breathing can play an important role in protecting the body from bacteria, viruses and other threats to our health.

9.    Improves the Respiratory System

Deep breathing helps to release tension in the diaphragm and primary breathing muscles, relieving many long-term respiratory issues such as asthma and breathlessness. It opens up the chest, releasing tension and allowing for a more relaxed posture.

10.  Affects Our Mental State 

The quality of our breath helps to relax the mind and enhances the ability to learn, focus, concentrate, and memorize. The brain requires a great deal of oxygen to function and increased intake of oxygen helps us to achieve clarity and feel grounded and productive. It also relieves stress, anxiety, depression and negative thought patterns.

The benefits of breathing deeply helps the systems in the body to process more efficiently. So, the next time you feel a bit stressed, deep breathing for a few minutes can give you instant relief.

NAFAS Journeys Deep Breathing
Walid Aboulnaga