Integrating the Breathwork Experience

Tools to process the experience post a session

Breathwork Integration & Processing

Having taken part in a Shamanic Breathwork session, breathers may sometimes feel a mix of emotions which could include feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or in total bliss. This is a special ceremony and with such experiences we remind our members to give extra love and be gentle on themselves.

Some suggestions that could be useful post A breathwork SESSION include:

-       DRAW / COLOUR: We use Mandela drawings, were you simply draw a circle on a piece of paper and let your hands do the work. The drawing acts as a snap-shot of your psyche.

-       JOURNAL: Take time to write down insights, feelings, or visions. Your heart spoke to you, reflect upon the messages and guidance given.

-       SHARE with your loved ones. Speak about the experience with those close to you and whom you trust. Their job is to listen without judgement and be there for you.

-       MEDITATE: Have some quiet time, take a moment to reflect on the experience and re-connect with the source inside of you.

-       DRINK plenty of water. You have done some deep breathing and hydration is key.

-       EAT a healthy comforting meal.

-       WAIT a few days or a week before making key decisions in your life.

-       Spend time in NATURE if you can.

Be grateful for whatever experience you have. Remember, you received exactly what you needed!

We are given gifts during every breathwork and processing the experience is just as important as the breathwork itself.

If you have any questions or need support at anytime please send us an email on

NAFAS Journeys Soulventure
Walid Aboulnaga